書籍詳細情報 |
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ID | 1698 |
Matsunami New No. | No.466 |
dataid | 466-00 |
写本名(KH方式) | siddhinaagaarjuna and other medical works |
写本名(点無表記) | |
KH方式写本別名 | |
CD | MF14_58_002_001--MF14_58_002_107 |
KH著者 | |
点無著者 | |
KH著者(注釈) | |
KH底本情報 | |
写本情報 | |
点無底本情報 | |
形態分量情報 | Paper, 100 leaves, 10-16 lines, 15 1/8 × 4 7/8 inch., Devanaagarii, (ON. 374), (K). The Ms. Can be divided into three parts according to the pagination. Part I. 63 leaves. Fols. 35 and 36 are missing. The first 10 leaves are stained. Part II: 5 leaves. There is no relation between fols. 1 and 2. Part III: 32 leaves. The first part has 63 leaves and seems to be incomplete. But it is not clear if the three parts make a text or they are parts of a text or different ones at all. In the first part we find the ends of the seven chapters, which have names having connection with medicine. On fol. 1-a there is written ''dhamotalii(?)bhaaNDa(?) -da(?)maMdaraakaa.'' which may be the name of the first part of the whole. |
冒頭 | For details, see Matsunami's Note Book 21, p.46 ff. |
末尾 | |
備考 |